Homeworld (2)

18 Dec 2004
NE England
I had a sense of nostalgia come over me the other day and decided to purchase both Homeworld and its sequal - should be arriving tomorrow!

I've always loved the Homeworld games - very atmostpheric, very nicely put together with crisp graphics, good sounds and many nice touches (such as how the ships fly side-on with their targets shelling). What I want to know is, does anyone here still play it, or hold it in such high regard as myself?

Yeah, I always found you had to be able to manage your resources very well in Homeworld - if you needlessly over-spent on things that weren't effective against your enemies, once the map's resources had dried up, you were pretty buggered!

Playing through Homeworld now - very well orchestrated game :) Everything seems to have a feeling of majesty to it.

Is there any way in which to force Anti-Aliasing onto it though?

It's fantastic. Had an AWESOME battle earlier (only on mission 3 or something :p). Basically, my fleet consisting of:
2 x Ion Cannon Frigates
3 x Assault Frigates
4 x Heavy Corvettes
1 x Support Frigate

took on an enemy fleet consisting of:
6 x Assault Frigates
Countless missile corvettes
Countless fighters
Countless Defenders

I had to keep the support frigate healing the damaged frigates, making the assault frigates take all the attention off the Ion Cannon frig's, whilst flanking to the rear of the enemy frig's with my ion cannons.

The whole battle was about 10 minutes - sooo much fun :D

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