Homeworld I & II manuals

24 Jul 2005
I've just recently re-installed both Homeworld I & II and fully intend to play them through in order and then get online, if anyones still playing them online that is. The problem is, about two years back we got burgled and amongst the stuff nicked was quite a few of my game manuals. For some reason, these morons left the actual game discs! Idiots!

Now I'm the sort of guy who likes the tactile feel of having a manual in my greasy paws. I'm not a great advocate of the damn *.pdf manuals that seem to be the norm these day's, not having a working printer and all.

Now to my problem, not having played them in a long time I'm getting lost with regards to the key's and all the intricate options. So does anyone know of anywhere that I could get a set of manuals from?

Thanks for the offer, but I'm just getting used to the game again. I'd forgotten just how good this game actually was, hard to believe it's 7 years old. I'll gladly have an online battle later though, when I've brushed up on the old skills again.

Yeah, I thought of buying them again! A local gameshop has both I & II for £10, but they come with those stupid *.pdf manuals on the disc. Guess I'll start looking at the place you mentioned, even though I can't stand it (got burned on an old Ejection seat a while back).
i've recently install Homeworld 2 this week played with my friend we had a whale of a time :D forgot how good it was. Graphics are still there but could be improved :E
I only installed them again last night. Today though I've been scouring the interweb on the lookout to see if anyone's produced a third party high-res texture pack or anything. I ain't found one yet though, but there seems to be quite a few decent mods for it. The Babylon5 one looks especially interesting to a sci-fi geek like me.
One main reason is that in the docs you have instant at hand info on all the ship classes, weaknesses, strengths, armour, firepower et al. Plus all the keyboard shortcuts are within easy glance. If there's one thing I'm crap at, it's remembering keyboard shortcuts. Yesterday I found myself automatically hitting shortcuts for Photoshop CS2 in Homeworld. It's even worse when you have say 3 or 4 games on the go.

Whilst the in-game tutorials are good, they just don't go into depth about all the ship classes and shortcut key's. I guess I could take the *.pdf docs around my mates house and use his printer ink up though. :D
For Cataclysm too, you really needed the ship descriptions from the manuals, as they told you which ones were immune to being taken over by the Big Evil
Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. I didn't install Cataclysm though. Although now you've mentioned it............................:cool:
I installed Cataclysm and the patch, however when playing, when moving the camera then releasing the mouse button I would get a pause of a few seconds for some reason.

Is anyone else getting this?

I'm using an x1800XT
Well, I installed Cataclysm last night and it looked terrible. Homeworld I & II look stunning, no block graphics or anything, yet cataclysm is dire! Everything up full and still the textures looked like a patchwork quilt, a very badly drawn patchwork quilt at that.

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