Honda CBR125R

17 Mar 2013
Hiya guys,

Just feel like showing off my bike while also asking for a bit of help from the resident experts!

Anyway, this is my 55 plate Honda CBR125R. Its done 12300 miles from new, about 1200 of those miles were from me and its got an aftermarket exhaust as the stock sounds dreadful in my opinion.

Here she is:


(The one on the right is my friends Yamaha XT125R)


If you look closely at the front of my bike, you can see where I came off and scratched up the side :( Very sad times!

Now, onto the help; does anyone have any idea where I can get a seat cowl and a tail tidy? I've spent hours and I just cant find them! If anyone knows where I can get either of those I will be forever in your debt!

Cheers in advance for any help guys, and I hope you like my bike :D
I'm getting a car at 18 for a year or two, then I'm gunna look at getting a bigger, nicer bike when I;m a bit more stable in the finance department. But thanks for the advice.
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