Honda Hornet 600 F4 - 2005, 25k miles price check

2 May 2004
I have the oppurtunity to possibly get a very good deal on a Hornet, however I'm really not sure what it's worth or if it's even worth making an offer. I know the bike has been well looked after as I knew the person that owned it (unfortunately he passed away last year).

It's a Honda Hornet CB-600-F4 with about 25,000 miles on it. Currently SORNed.

It's been standing inside for just over a year now. As far as I'm aware it hasn't been touched, i.e. it might need a new battery etc.

What would something like this be worth? And is it worth making an offer or will it just be a pain? What's likely to be wrong with it after standing for so long?

It's been standing inside for just over a year now. As far as I'm aware it hasn't been touched, i.e. it might need a new battery etc.

What would something like this be worth? And is it worth making an offer or will it just be a pain? What's likely to be wrong with it after standing for so long?

I'd give it a full service. New oil, plugs and filter. You might need to give the carbs a clean. I'd also check the brakes for wear and operation - you might need to regrease the calipers.
Depending on the condition of it I would say £2k - £2.5k after a quick google. If the bike has been kept in doors and was well looked after there shouldn't be any big problems with it, I'd give it a bit of a clean over like when I buy any bike meaning changing the plugs, new oil/filter, cleaning the air filter and checking the chain/sprockets and replace/lube where necessary. The only things I can think of to check due to it standing for a while would be battery, petrol and maybe the tyres depending on how old they are.
It's been standing inside for just over a year now. As far as I'm aware it hasn't been touched, i.e. it might need a new battery etc.

What's likely to be wrong with it after standing for so long?

Seeing as how the bikes been well looked after whilst in use & laid up inside, i wouldn't expect there to be any thing wrong with it other than a bit of a gutless battery, now if it has been parked up outside for a year or so, that would be a different proposition all together.

So pop the battery off & charge it, drain the tank & carbs & refill with fresh petrol, as gas goes off over time, change oil & filter, & when you do start it up, let it start naturally, ie, minimum revs, & let it tick over on idle for a good while, in short, let the motor free up & get thoroughly lubricated before you put it under stress.

Check brake fluid as water can ingress over prolonged periods of time if the bikes not in use ( happened to me when i parked my XJR13 up for a year whilst i used my ZRX12 ). basically, use a bit of common sense & do a thorough inspection of the bike before use.
Thanks :)

Doesn't sound bad at all to get it going again.

I think i'll definitely hire a van to go get it though, so I can do the above in the comfort of my own garage without time limits etc.
I got the same bike hornet except mine is a 2010, i went down to a dealers and they looked in their book and said it was worth about £3500 but i could have got it up to £4000.
2.5k ? nah way to much .. I would be offering 1.5k max .. drain the tank and flush the carbs before you even think about starting it.

If its sitting outside the tyres will probably be past there best so budget £200-240 for replacement.
Replace all fluids (brake/oil/water) and if it still has rubber lines i would budget to replace them also . (about £50)

Check the forks seals for signs of perishing and if the pads are stuck to the discs i would change them as well . Clean up the disc face with some wire wool and give the calipers a clean .
Check air filter for leaves/spiders or any debris and replace if required

Buy some cheap oil to flush with and fit new plugs . start and run it for a few mins and then go for a quick run to let the bike warm up . Dont let it labour and dont redline it but use it as normal . Dont leave just to tick over .

When back let it cool while you have a brew and dump that oil and fit decent stuff and new filter .

It might seems a lot of work but UV light does a lot of damage to rubber and it will explain my low price.. But if you follow this guide and you get it for the right price you will have one of the best naked 600 bikes on the market for a bargain price and you will know its all in tip top condition .

2.5k ? nah way to much .. I would be offering 1.5k max .. drain the tank and flush the carbs before you even think about starting it.

If its sitting outside the tyres will probably be past there best so budget £200-240 for replacement.

It's been standing inside for just over a year now.

I agree that £2.5k is probably a bit on the high side due to the mileage, but I also think £1500 is maybe a bit insulting if it's in good condition. That's the sort of money you'd get a 1999-2001 example for, not a 2005 bike.
I agree that £2.5k is probably a bit on the high side due to the mileage, but I also think £1500 is maybe a bit insulting if it's in good condition. That's the sort of money you'd get a 1999-2001 example for, not a 2005 bike.

But the 2005 looks no different to the 2001 .. its high milage and may require all the work i mentioned in my post . If the op is not mechanically minded that may add up to a few quid ..

Tyres : £240
Brakes front and back : £80
Hoses : £60
Service items : £50
Possible fork seals £20
Mot : £30

So nearly £400 in bits and thats assuming the op does it . add another £200 for a garage to do it + % on top for over inflated parts costs .

There is also the chance of it need a chain and sprocket.. another £120 for a decent one ..

Obviously im painting the worst case senario picture but people buy blind.. think they have a bargain cause its £500 cheaper than ebay then spend £700 getting it roadworthy!
It's alive!

Decided to go for a new battery. We don't have a suitable charger, and I don't know when the battery was last replaced. Wasn't too bad for £42 I thought.

Started on about the 4th go, no problems. Oil light went straight off like it should.

Rear brake disc slightly pitted, needs replacing. Front brakes slight surface rust, should be able to clean up. Both rear indicators not working - one is snapped off from when the bike was put into the owner's lounge, the other was probably knocked as well, hopefully no internal wiring issue. Chain making a knocking noise when wheeling the bike, hopefully a clean and adjustment will sort that.

It's sounds incredible. Throttle response is ridiculous, so much more life in it compared to the ER5 I rode on my test.

Main MOT failures are the indicators and the rear disc brake, so going to sort them first, then I'll dump the oil, coolant, clean/replace the spark plugs, oil filter, etc. etc. and get it on the road!

Any reason why the front indicators are flashing so quickly? Do I just need to replace the bulbs?
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Any reason why the front indicators are flashing so quickly? Do I just need to replace the bulbs?

front indicators are fine,thats down to the rear winkers not working,you should be able to get some oem ones off ebay and pick up the wiring

chain is probably down to it standing and has a tight spot,it should be ok

are the brakes free? usually they are the first things to seize if its been stood a while
Cool, good to hear the front indicators are nothing to worry about. Yeah brakes are free. Scraping slightly, but wheels along easy enough.
Will do when it's put back together! :D

Side panels, rear fairings, seat, etc. all off at the moment trying to sort the indicators. Rear indicator replacements are working, but wrong wattage, so need to try and source some 21w 12v ones that suit the bike and aren't too expensive. Then need a new rear disc & it'll hopefully be MOT worthy.
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Finished up last night on the work that needed doing. Test run today - man it's quick. Just wish I could take it out on the proper roads. Buying insurance Monday & going to book MOT. Hopefully it passes!!




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