Honda S2000 HDR

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
Just a few days after doing my Corsa shots my mate told me he bought a Honda S2000. A light went on in my head. After a while people started looking at me funny because my head was glowing, but then I came up with an idea for a photo and it stopped. We went back to the same location as the Corsa shsot, and Dangerous's ST220 shoot and hoped for the best. It was freezing. So cold that after about 5 mins I couldn't use my camera. We spent most of the shoot sitting in the car warming up and watching the sand doing some funky things on the beach. Never seen it before and annoyingly I couldn't capture it in HDR. While sitting in the car waiting for the sun to do something the clouds came across and blocked the sun. "Damn!", I thought. That was until I noticed the amazing beams of light eminating from the cloud. "Ah ha!", I thought and jumped out the car. It was perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better sunset. Some guy in his Puma turned up and drove into the shot, then drove out of it and apologized. That was nice as most people just don't care. Thankfully everything was perfect. Stunning car, stunning sunset and ice cold wind.

This was the result;


HDR Composite from 3 shots. Handheld, ISO200.
Joe T said:
Thats so good its worht sending to Honda!

You never know, it might get you a job....!

It had crossed my mind. When I saw it my first thoughts were "OMG that looks pro" and then "How the hell did I do that?" :) My mate and I couldn't believe the result from 3 badly exposed photos. The lighting is perfect. My mate has a copy and specifically asked for his plate to be left in because people wouldn't believe its his car :) "Nah you nicked that from Honda's site" :D He's waiting for a Photobox poster offer to get it blown up.
stuart38 said:
Nice shot - My one criticism would be that I dont feel like you captured the characer/shape of the car... maybe a slightly more side-on angle would have stopped it looking so squashed.

Really like it though :)

Yer I did think of that at the time and went for a more extreme angle to accentuate the length of the bonnet but by that time the cloud had moved and the shot wasn't as good.
SDK^ said:
How did you manage to get 3 shots from exactly the same position hand held ?
Bracket and hope for the best ?

Yer :) Set it to bracket, held the button down and didn't breath. The overexposed shot was only 1/10 @ 10mm. Spot on :) I set Photomatrix to align the images too which did a great job.
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