Honda VFR800

19 Nov 2010
I'm considering coming back to bikes after a 5 year break, my last bike was a Suzuki SV1000S. It was cheap and cheerful but I liked the styling and it had a great engine. This time though I'm tempted by a VFR800. Do we have any VFR800 riders here? And if so can you give me any insight as to what they're like to ride? Also what to keep an eye out for when looking at examples?
Great all rounder, comfortable, quickish, good tank range. The only thing I found that let it down was the vtec. They may have improved it since it first appeared, but the engine was stronger without it I found. Kind of felt uneccessary.

As far as servicing goes, it got expensive for a 16k one i think, but not unbearably so.

There's a massive online vfr community, so any issues, someone can usually point you in the right direction.

All in all, a great bike.
What year are you looking at? I have a 1998 VFR800 FiX, pretty much the first of the 800s, also have 3 friends with the same bike, pretty much as said by everyone it is;
Comfortable, quickish(100bhp, you're faster than about 95% of the road, just not more modern sports bikes), economy is good (best 51mpg, worst 44mpg! Average around 47/48), looks are reasonable, engine is really tough, minor services are easy as mentioned the majors can be a little more expensive but did my own at this point.

Any questions please don't hesitate to ask, I love mine and have done about 24k on it so I know it reasonably well!
A friend had one and really liked it, he ended up doing a few long trips on it with no issues. I'm sure he said on the vtec engines if the step is really noticeable you can get them remapped to move where it happens to make it more slick.
Thanks for the answers!

What year are you looking at? I have a 1998 VFR800 FiX, pretty much the first of the 800s, also have 3 friends with the same bike, pretty much as said by everyone it is;
Comfortable, quickish(100bhp, you're faster than about 95% of the road, just not more modern sports bikes), economy is good (best 51mpg, worst 44mpg! Average around 47/48), looks are reasonable, engine is really tough, minor services are easy as mentioned the majors can be a little more expensive but did my own at this point.

Any questions please don't hesitate to ask, I love mine and have done about 24k on it so I know it reasonably well!

I started looking around 2007 models, but from what I'm reading many people prefer the model you have. Something about the Vtec engines that I'm still reading up on. Is your model a Vtec, or pre Vtec? Also I've never ridden a bike with linked breaks, what exactly are they and what are they like to use?

A friend had one and really liked it, he ended up doing a few long trips on it with no issues. I'm sure he said on the vtec engines if the step is really noticeable you can get them remapped to move where it happens to make it more slick.

It doesn't sound to bad if you can get it remapped to suit your riding style. Glad to hear that they're good for longer rides as well. I've mainly had sports bikes before and most of them have been uncomfortable to ride for anything over about an hour. So this time I'm looking for something that's still fun to ride but doesn't kill my wrists and back.
Mine is pre-Vtec the change happened in 2001 with the Fi model being turned into the Vtec model. I have read quite a lot about but never had chance to try the Vtec I believe most of the complaints relate to the step-up being a rather large change in power due to the way that Vtec works on these engines; normally Vtec is a change into a more aggressive cam profile for higher rev range, however on this engine it actually means another valve is opened in the higher rev range to increase power, hence the larger step. This was not liked by a reasonable amount of people however the 2002 onward Vtec VFRs are still very popular, there was even a guy on a VFR forum who put the older Fi engine into the more modern Vtec chassis and I believe he really enjoyed the results! Also if your curious there was a guy doing supercharger kits for both models (google torocharger)!

As far as linked brakes go this means that when you apply either brake lever it applies both brakes, the front calipers are 6 pots, 4 of which are actuated by the front brake lever the other 2 (middle pistons) are actuated by the rear brake lever, this is the same on the rear but opposite ways round. What this translates to on the bike is actually quite a nice controlled ride, pull the brakes and the bike will squat as a whole instead of front/rear it isn't easily upset and stops you well, however the rear brake can feel a bit wooden at times. My father has a 2007 ST1300 Pan which I have ridden, this also has the linked brakes and it is obvious to see that when riding this the system has improved overtime offering a slightly more traditional feeling but still the same behaviour of a full bike squat when hard braking instead of front/rear independent. I have toyed with the idea of removing the linked system but is quite a cost to do so that I don't believe will offer the biggest benefit.

Just another quick point in regard to handling and use the VFR is exceptional for long distance journeys, happy to sit at double or triple figure speeds with little effort, a double bubble screen for the front is highly advisable to put the wind up just enough onto your shoulders to rest against at anything above 40mph (below 40mph for long periods of time the bike can be a bit of a pig on the wrists), my friend has the use of a VFR800 and his own ZX7R, when given a choice for distance riding he always takes the VFR!

Quite a lot of words there, but like I said hope it helps and if you want any more just ask.
I had one for a couple of weeks. Easy to ride bikes, not the softest when touring. I will be honest... A bit boring.
I had one for a couple of weeks. Easy to ride bikes, not the softest when touring. I will be honest... A bit boring.

I found my friends a bit steady as well, they are well rounded bikes but don't really inspire you like some bikes do, kinda like a Modeo of the bike world :p

At the time I had an SV650s and preferred it's engine's playful character over the more advanced and more powerful VFR's. Deffo go and try one out but try out some other stuff as well.
I found my friends a bit steady as well, they are well rounded bikes but don't really inspire you like some bikes do, kinda like a Modeo of the bike world :p

At the time I had an SV650s and preferred it's engine's playful character over the more advanced and more powerful VFR's. Deffo go and try one out but try out some other stuff as well.

Fine with me tbh. I'm probably at a different stage of life to you.

I've ridden some bikes with character before and they're fun, but not really what I'm looking for atm. The scariest (at least at the time) bike I've owned was my tuned RG500. Many here probably won't have clue what I'm talking about, but for those that do there's just no arguing. It was two-stroke suicide on two wheels.
Used to own a pre VTEC, I've moved on to bigger and better but I still miss it. Motor is just a real peach, sounds amazing with straight through exhaust and that cam whine is awesome.

Extremely reliable bar the rec/regulator which goes all the time on them, but its very easy to wire in a cheaper and better Suzuki part which has better cooling and will last.
Yeah I haven't read about many issues with them, they seem pretty reliable. Looking at prices they seem to hold their value fairly well too.
It is the most common issue, 2 of the 4 I know have had it go, mine being one of those. The guys are right, it's not the most exciting bike out there, but it depends what you want!
I always wanted an RG500, it was something of an icon when I was in my teens. Sadly they fetch insane amounts of money these days.

Absolutely was a dream when I was younger friends brother had one now later on in life I thought I would pick one up but no chance to rich for me.

Also liked the RD500 which is a little more friendly to work on ,was talking to a local bike mechanic my age just recently and he always preferred working on the RD.

DogBreath you remember the Kettles ? :D
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It is the most common issue, 2 of the 4 I know have had it go, mine being one of those. The guys are right, it's not the most exciting bike out there, but it depends what you want!

I'm looking for good build quality, reliability, and something that's a decent all-rounder. The VFR seems to fit the bill quite nicely for that. It's difficult to find anyone who's really critical of them, apart from that they aren't very exciting when compared to sports bikes. My dad also used to own a VF750F, years ago before he passed, and at the time I remember thinking it was an amazingly cool bike. And how cool he was for having one. So there's a personal element to it as well I guess.

The more I look at them the more I want one, its just whether its a sensible thing to buy or not. There's no shortage of other crap that's probably more sensible to spend money on. Redecorating for instance :( Spend it now YOLO philosophy (I know, hateful acronym), or sit on it and be sensible?
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DogBreath you remember the Kettles ? :D

I certainly do! Lovely sounding bike, but heavy and not a massive amount of power in standard form (not much more than the later 250 strokers made).

A friend of mine sold his KH500 recently as well, a real mans (clinicaly insane mans) bike!
I certainly do! Lovely sounding bike, but heavy and not a massive amount of power in standard form (not much more than the later 250 strokers made).

A friend of mine sold his KH500 recently as well, a real mans (clinicaly insane mans) bike!

Ah yes the KH500 mental bike and a right handful I liked the 250 but trouble with middle pots thou, ended up with a RD250 which was real popular round my area nice power band.

Friend had an X7 but insisted replacing with none genuine rings & pistons and had nothing but trouble but would never learn and just rinsed and repeated.

Sorry Op didn't mean to hijack thread.

I only know one person who has a VFR800 done in Repsol colours but he loves it not much help I know...
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