Hong Kong Pics (56k suicide)

20 Oct 2002
Hong Kong was the first stop of our 6 week tour, we were there for only 4 days and it rained a fair bit. I was still getting to grips with my D50 (hence the night shots are mostly at ISO200.. how i managed that i dont know.. so excuse the blurriness whilst i tried to take 1sec exposures handheld, lol). So there's been a lot of 'rescuing' done with this lot. There will more to come -- from NZ, Sydney and Bangkok when i started to get into the swing of things. Comments welcome of course.





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(12) This is the type of weather we had to contend with!

EDIT: Woops, numbers would be useful! :)
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brocksta said:
Some great pics there mate (apart from 7, that noise is awful.... ah wait thats why, its a nikon :p *runs*) Only thing i would say is that some of them are slightly overexposed, meaning the sky is blown out. I especially like the b+w on number 4 and number 5. Thats a good effort if its handheld!

Hehe i think the noise is probably more to do with my (over)processing than anything. Most of those skies you wouldnt recognise from the original RAWs. It was just so dull. I decided to bump up the exposure/levels a lot in the skies to bring out the clouds, which i think makes them a bit more interesting -- if slightly surreal. :)
Adam W said:
any chance of a full size pic of 5 or 8? my girlfriend is obsessed with the idea of moving to hong kong and wants one for her background. [email protected] if poss :D

YGM. Although at that res its a lot easier to spot the handheld-ness :p

And Mr_Sukebe, sorry. This is the best i could do!


I'm not confident enough to go around pointing my camera at people apart from my friends, plus it rained so much that i couldnt walk around with it for more than 5mins until the heavens opened :p
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