Hope no one was planning long-distance train journey today.....

Not great... But then hardly the first problem these trains have caused (eg signalling interference) Wonder if Hitachi will try and blame this one on the D(a)fT requesting that they increase the carriage length... Will be interesting to see how serious the problem is and how long the fix takes. Imagine they'll be running tomorrow again after concluding the cracks aren't immediately dangerous but you never know...

Side note, it's so confusing when things get called high speed trains in UK media, given that the class 800 family are not High Speed Trains and only barely High Speed trains if you use the loosest definition.

Well they can only go 125mph because our signalling (along with the track) is like 1,000 years /exaggeration

125mph isn’t high-speed??
Maybe in comparison to others but they need track ruler-straight and that’s not feasible in this country
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