HORDE Indie Game

28 Jul 2014
Hey, I have not used the OS forums in quite a while, forgot all my old details so had to create a new account.

I am currently developing an indie game for Android/PC called HORDE. HORDE is a platform game with zombies. We all love zombies right?

The process is going really well and a prototype is currently being developed, full production will commence within the next few weeks. Things are going really well and I am looking on releasing a demo in the near future which I am happy to share to gain feedback and hopefully generate a buzz around the fast growing indie dev scene.

Please be sure to support me and follow the official HORDE twitter page http://twitter.com/HORDEindiegame

More news coming soon. Stay tuned.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
I saw a tweet that made me chuckle that said "You can tell a game is made in Unity when it looks great but plays like crap".
Not insinuating anything just an anecdote! I have no idea what CS6 is, my knowledge of game making is limited to C# and Monogame, not that I've gotten that far yet, I just tinker with VS making silly programs. I do not have the maths skills to make games and it's too hard to learn it all as well as programming now.
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