Horrible VDroop problems

17 Jul 2022
In your walls
Just overclocked my Asus P5K mobo with a quad core Q6600 from 9x267 to 9x333.
My bios is the latest 1201 bios but modded to enable AHCI on all sata ports.
VDrop from bios to idle is about 0.7, so I set bios voltage to 1.425 and get a vcore of 1.35.
That’s fine and good but when I run Prime95 the vdroop takes me down to 1.27 and sometimes even 1.22.
LLC is enabled and I’m not comfortable setting my BIOS voltage past 1.45 or 1.475, should I try out one of those pencil mods where you put graphite on a resistor?
Those don’t seem very safe but people claim they work.
Thanks for any replies!
Forgot to mention my VID is 1.2125
And running prime95 for around 10 minutes doesn’t get me any errors despite the crazy low voltage
Setting CPU ratio to auto and leaving speed step on disabled seems to keep it at x9, before it was set to 9 but it being manual causes the speed step option to disappear.
Testing with and without LLC seems to only give an additional 0.08 vcore which is nothing
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