Horror Movies

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
Dont ya just love em

I been watching now for 20 odd years and I must admit they are my favourite genre. That said are they loosing their ability to scare us ? A few months back my sister-in-law went to The Exorcism of Emily Rose. When she came out she said it was the best Horror she had seen in ages. Really scare her. I enjoyed it more for the courtroom drama rather than the actual main plot. Now maybe im a bit sensitised after seeing stuff like the Exorcist from early on. That said has this genre lost its ability to scare us. I dont see many films that compare to the classics like

* The Exorcist
* The Omen
* Hallowe'en
* Evil Dead


Doesnt help when you get blatantly carp movies that rip off the storylines off two or three other movies and try and make it an original Best Thriller in Years Nonsense

Im thinking Canin Fever et al
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