Horse, any recipes?

7 Nov 2009
As title really, got some Redrum (about a kilo) and wondering what would be the best thing to do with it.

Suppose we could also have a discussion on the appropriateness of eating horse. I obviously have no issue in eating it, nor do I have issue eating anything that has been raised and slaughtered properly.
So, I'm having some tonight. I froze it, but defrosted some of it earlier today for dinner tonight. I'm just having them extremely simply - Dry frying them with a bit of salt and pepper and then throwing some butter over the top. I think the best way to sample a new flavour is simply like this.
I shall let you know how it goes. If they are nice, then I may do something more exotic with the other half.
I'm not sure what cut it is, on account of me speaking merde French...
Well I can see why the French don't let us eat this.

I cooked it very rare (I was aiming for medium but that's because I assumed it cooked like beef - it doesn't.)

It's very, very nice. Awfully buttery and not nearly as gamey as I was expecting. Truly fantastic.
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