
Extremely poor. Not exactly 'shocking' or a particularly good story. Mainly gratuitous nudity and little else. If you want a shocking movie, watch 'Audition'.
the only shocking thing about this movie is how poor the quality of writing is.

i thought it was appalling how hostel portrayed "foreigners". ie, it paid no attention to the cultural psychology of the dutch, slovak and japanese people in the movie, and how they would likely react in the situations the movie placed them in.

foreign people are not just americans with "funny accents"!
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i found it much like watching euro trip for the first half of the film and then lots of blood and gore in the 2nd half nothing really great
Decidedly average.
Some good gore scenes. Hot birds with nice jugs. Laughable storyline. Pathetic representation of Slovakia - I was there in March.

I preferred his take on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Lopéz said:
Pathetic representation of Slovakia - I was there in March.
i've never been, although until recently i lived with two girls from slovakia. so while i can't comment how well it represented slovakia, i can say for damn sure that it didn't portray slovak people at all well! :D
blitz2163 said:
i found it much like watching euro trip for the first half of the film and then lots of blood and gore in the 2nd half nothing really great

Exactly what I was thinking with the bit with the guy on the train. I was expecting them to go through a tunnel and have him be sitting in his lap lol.

I wonder how much that damaged the Eastern European tourist industry in the US? Although, most of them probably could point out Russia on a map, let alone Prague.
Welshy said:
It made me want to throw up in a couple of places, very explicit


I thought it tried far too hard to shock leaving the film with nothing else in it although the nudity was quite welcome. :)
IceBus said:
Extremely poor. Not exactly 'shocking' or a particularly good story. Mainly gratuitous nudity and little else. If you want a shocking movie, watch 'Audition'.

pretty much this one.

except i'd change "not exactly" to "not at all"

it was terrible, i went to see it with great anticipation, and left with even bigger dissapointment.
I enjoyed it, but I didn't have very high expectations. It's not a 5 star movie by any stretch but I was reasonably entertained, it was very tense in parts and I lolled a couple of times.
IceBus said:
If you want a shocking movie, watch 'Audition'.

You having a laugh? Audition was not shocking in any way shape or form. No more shocking that The Grudge etc... My opinion of course. I think most Jap films are pretty lame tbh.

Hostel was quite good. Just turn your brain off while viewing it. Good popcorn movie.
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