Hosting: Windows permissions

18 Oct 2002
How can you set these? Obviously very easy on unix (chmod). But how do you do it on windows?

Surely I don't have to call the techsupport line?
Hm, what do you mean by permissions? Usually if you are asked to CHMOD a file to 755 in Unix for a script you shouldn't need to do the same on a Windows host if they are running IIS as it does it for you so to speak, not sure about Apache.

Im using an Windows IIS based host, and not had any problems with permissions.
^ Depends if your scripts are executed under your username or the websserver user, and what the ownership/permissions are - same as *nix-based :)

I've had to ring up once to allow global access since their webserver ran as its own user (I assume - not really sure - I just needed write access for my asp script.)
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