Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - out 10 March

So... has anyone played this?

I only got to playa bit last night, maybe an hour (or even less), but it still definitely Hotline Miami.

It's like the original, but turned up a notch, maybe even multiple notches, it's that good. I don't know how to describe it, it's just drenched in style this time round, more so than the original. The effects, the 90's VHS slasher-film aesthetic, gallons of blood spewed across the floor, the m u s i c, and more, it's all great. It feel's "thicker" this time around (:D), it's like a damn good juicy steak, bursting tons of style and substance at the seams.

There is more of a focus on a story this time round, which I can't really judge at this point, but it's all skippable with a single mouse click if you don't really care a whole lot, which is a nice inclusion. You have the option to start levels without the whole story introduction for each one, which is good for multiple replays/playthroughs.

However, I do have a few gripes.The AI sometimes manages to bug through walls/doors, which is quite annoying, but not a regular assurance. Dog's have managed to leap through walls and rip my neck open however.

...and the levels feel too big now. I liked the previous game's tight, controlled, melee focus levels, which you could just run rampant around, but now, there's a lot more focus on gun gameplay, using shift to scope around the map and lock onto targets and pick them off one by one, which I personally don't think is for the better. You will easily get sniped from some guy across the map through multiple layers of glass which you just couldn't see coming, unless you thoroughly scope through the entire level and planned out each exact action you would make.

...and according to some people (some of my friends who have already completed the game), the later levels can feel super unfair, as they just throws tons of enemy at you at once. It's definitely harder than the first game, even going back and replaying the original it just feels so easy compared to this one :D

But that all being said, I can't wait to go play some more later tonight, and I hope someone manages to re-create the original game in the editor so we can replay it with all the new masks n' weapons :D
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