Hotmail and Apple Mail/Thunderbird

24 Aug 2007
UK, South coast
Couldn't find an answer on this after a search

Will Hotmail(free) work with Mail, and for that matter, Thunderbird on Mac

Can't seem to make it happen, e.g. income server settings?
When I set the missus' iPhone up tonight, I'm going to make her create a gmail account and forward all her Hotmail stuff to that. Hotmail is the work of the devil !
To have a free service you need to have an old Hotmail account (<2003).

Anything newer and you have to pay Microsoft for the privilege :rolleyes:
I have no idea if it helps, but this is apparently the Hotmail server URL for the HTTP server:
Taken that straight from the Windows Live Mail program I use. Doesn't provide any other connection details though, but maybe it'll somehow work.
Just thought I'd add that the HTTP plugin worked for me, quite a neat little thing that! I'm happy I can use Mail now to read Hotmail emails, cheers :)
Ok the Hotmail plugin only works with old accounts and also isnt very compatible with leopard, if you want mail with hotmail you have to pay no other way around it.

After MUCH searching, experimenting and arse-ing around, I think I've nearly cracked this.

By using a program call 'FreeMacPops', I'm able to make Hotmail work with TB. Atleast it certainly works with the Inbox - still working on how to get your other Hotmail folders to work.

This might all be old news of course
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