House contents insurance question about claiming?

12 Jun 2004
My laptop died last week when I spilt a pint of water over it. I contacted my house insurance and they agreed to replace the laptop. I was expected them to just give me the cash for what the laptop is worth, but instead they said they were going to give me a voucher for £650 for a well-known highstreet store (purple shirts). I tried to persaude them to give me more choice or ideally cash instead, but they said I had to take the voucher.

I've been onto the website of the store to see which laptops I can get for £650 and they seem to be out of stock of most of their laptops! I only have a choice of about 3 laptops for £650 (none of which I really want) and I think all of them are out of stock in every store within a 30 mile radius...

Has anyone here claimed from their insurance for a laptop or similar item and if so, were you given a voucher or cash?
Yeah I don't mind being given vouchers and I can understand why they wouldn't just give out cash. But I don't like being limited to one store which has such little choice and seems to be out of stock of most laptops.
Well, ring them and tell them you understand vouchers, but you don't like being limited to the one store. And suggest an alternative.

Thing is, £650 in vouchers do NOT cost the insurer £650 - they have deals with companies.

I did tell them that when I phoned to claim but they wouldn't allow any other method or voucher for any other stores... :mad:
I will phone them again tomorrow.

I also had to pay £100 excess which has frustrated me even more.
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