House M.D?

26 Jan 2007
Leicester/The Toon
Hey Guys,

Just wondering If anyone is a fan the TV series House, on Channel 5 Thursday's 9pm?

I love it, can't go a Thursday without telling someone House is on. Then again I can't miss and episode.

What you guys think?

Dr Cuddy... Hubba Hubba :)

Yes, I like the show, although it's not a good thing to watch Season 1 and 2 in about two weeks and then go down with a pretty serious case of food poisoning, it leads to all sorts of nasty imaginary things :eek:
Fantastic programme. Easily in my top 3 current TV shows.

I just wish they'd release series 1 on DVD in widescreen, instead of the backwards 4:3 that's available.
Dano said:
Dr Cuddy... Hubba Hubba :)

Ohh I agree, she looks really good her age... even though I don't know how old she is. But she kind of looks old.

Reeve said:
Reeve I also love house, shame not one single person i know watches it.......

It's the same for me, If I watch an excellent episode then mention it to some friends the next day and they look at you like your on another planet. BUT it's there own problem if there missing out on something good.

Bigpops said:
Fantastic programme. Easily in my top 3 current TV shows.

Deffiantley, It's really entertaining, with House's comedy, sarcy remarks and the case's they have.
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Ohh, well If I could give her a birthday present I would :cool:

She does look good though, but it could be make up which does it.
House is must see TV for me.

I started watching right from episode 1 purely to see what on earth Hugh Laurie was doing trying to be an American. Needless to say I was quickly won over!

At times it is terribly predictable, but the series occasionally throws you a curve ball and doesn't give you a nice happy ending. The Tritter plot that's going on at the moment is superb, and it's doing a good job of making House appear very unlikeable. :D

My favourite episode ever has to be the one where he's giving the lecture to a load of medical students. The twist is very good!
Lunatic Dreyfus said:
My favourite episode ever has to be the one where he's giving the lecture to a load of medical students. The twist is very good!
Three Stories. It's excellent. If I'm bored and fancy watching an older episode of House, I would mostly pick that one.
Absolutely brilliant. Even if I do keep thinking of of Jeeves and Wooster everytime I see Hugh Lawrie.

Actually, how cool would it be to see Stephen Fry play a character in House, maybe a Psychiatrist treating House.

Think I'm on to something here....

Hmm yeh,

I think the recent episode's have been grilling for House, because of the investigation. Now that Tritter has all of House's tablet's apart from his small stash's, House is really beginning to get desperate for his Medication. I think House has begun to realise that he is addicted to these preciption drugs. I'm a little suspicious whether Wilson has gone to do the dirty on House by telling Tritter what he know's, just so he can get his Bank accountant back.

What do you think?
Ach I meant the American episodes. Theres like one left before the seasons over. I need to let it all ouuuuutttttttttt.
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