House Sale - Un-adopted Road

23 Jul 2020

Our house is for sale, and pre-lockdown we had an offer of the full asking price - over lockdown, the legalities progressed and having found somewhere, we were on the brink of agreeing dates of exchange.

However, we were contacted yesterday to say the buyers were withdrawing as the lenders weren't happy to proceed as the roads on the estate are un-adopted.

We live on a "new estate" - our phase is complete (we moved in in 2016) but there are phases continuing on the adjacent estate

Having spoken to the local council, they've said there are discussions to get the roads adopted but nothing in place as yet

It's phenomenally frustrating as clearly there are new houses getting mortgages on un-adopted roads but with nothing formally in place, we fear we may struggle to get a sale

The house we wanted to buy has now been relisted, so we are really disappointed.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and is there any suggestions for us?

Many thanks in advance.
An PC shop's online forum is definitely the first place I would thing to ask about this...

I can see why they might be put off though, the first hit on google is this:

A PC shop online forum which discusses 00's of topics unrelated to PCs themselves?

By that token, no one could ever borrow against a new build house.
An “unadopted road” is simply a track or road which has not been adopted by a local authority and so the said authority has no responsibility to maintain it. Unadopted roads are fairly common in England and so it is not surprising that solicitors are often asked by concerned residents, whose properties adjoin such a road, “we need to repair the road, who has to pay?”.

Just in case anyone else is thinking WTF is this guy on about ?

haha thank you
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