
6 Nov 2002
London UK
I fad that I thought had long passed by my lad turns 7 in just over a week and he has just announced that he would like a hoverboard. :p

I remember the stories of cheap ones going up in flames when being charged, is this still a thing?

Anyone recently had to get one and any recommendations on brands/sellers?

Thanks :)
What's your budget? Could you sway him to get something a bit more usable like a EUC (Fanboying again, sorry)

They're sort of the same thing but with one wheel. Love mine!
Why would you say they are more useable?

Where we live we have masses of walk and cycle paths surrounded by grass fields so I was thinking the 8.5" wheel boards.

He will be 7 so I don't want anything with breakneck speed, just something he can mess about with in the garage and around the local area when supervised.
It's still illegal but I'm sure the OP and his seven year old son won't mind taking their chances on having their electric scooter confiscated.
Riding one illegally is incredibly stupid but it's great you're advocating for a father to buy his seven year old son one so he can be a law breaker too.
Wind your neck in.

To be clear....

I have access to plenty of private land where such things can be used without upsetting anyone or leading us both to a life of illegal activity and crime. Even so, locally we have masses of cycle paths/fields which many local young children often use for their bikes, scooters, skates (inc electric versions) whilst under supervision of their parents. From what I see when out most members of the local community are more than happy to see this sort of harmless family fun/activity occurring.

Lastly in regards to safety, yes their is a risk of him falling off/hurting himself, but no different from using a bike, skateboard, roller skates, pogo stick [insert hundreds of other kids toys/activities], so as such he WILL be wearing applicable safety gear as he does when out on his bike.
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