How are we affording all this welfare?

Debt, borrowed at interest of course from the private bank that is 'the bank of England'!

So just raise the debt ceiling, why not. The debt is becoming meaningless, you wonder why countries like China are so keen to own our debt as what happens if they turn around and say we want our money back now. It's just going to be war.

It's always very creepy how everything is glued together by money as if it's some supernatural power of eternal life.
It's not. When money is 'borrowed' from a bank, it's created out of thin air with the main side effect being the dilution of the previously existing money supply - in other words, inflation!

That's how the system works.

I'm talking about thing like the external debt which is in the trillions.

Also there is deflation, the bank can take money out of the economy also to prevent hyper inflation.
Unfortunately it all boils down to people being selfish, and therefore greedy.

Nobody works to enrich others, but to enrich themselves (although people at the bottom end up enriching their employers more than themselves).

Nobody works to keep society ticking along. Nobody works to feed the nation, to clothe the nation, to heal the sick.

Everybody works for the mighty dollar. Right? Right?

Hence when you start with that (assumption? truth?) then nothing other than some kind of capitalism with market forces can work.

Because everybody wants as much as they get can out, in return for putting as little as possible in.

Humans are just lousy and completely irrational, unable to work together for the greater good. Not now, not in history, not ever.

Good answer, refreshing to get an answer like this, yeh we are selfish as hell.
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