how awful are astrix units?

9 Jan 2016
i know they cheap rubbish and from old review dont live up to the 80 plus labelled, but on the tree someone is selling a 700w version with a 9800gtx for £20 and somewhat tempted.

looking at it has 4 +12v rails, but v1 & v2 are 15A each while V3 is 12A & V4 10A, mean picture is blurry but what i can make out.

only want it to power a P4 system and a 6 pin graphics card(not the 9800 essentially)
how awful are astrix units?

i know they cheap rubbish


To expand a little as I think a single emoticon post is maybe somewhat lacking in substance, you can buy a decent PSU for very slightly more, so I don't know why you would bother with "cheap rubbish". To name but two options, OcUK have a couple of B-Grade Superflower 350Ws for £26 and the EVGA 430W units often go on sale for £25 or less, other options are available.

If you're wondering why I'm comparing 3/400W PSUs to the one you've mentioned, it's because they'll be able to reliably provide more power than a cheap PSU like that and because they're more than adequate for your stated use.
ha thanks for replies.

i know it seemed stupid as i established the quality, i was just curious as it was only to go in a P4 build, so the awfulness might have been acceptable ha, but having found out a free card i got is a 7800gtx i probably get away with adapters as its already got a 80 plus bronze delta, just no 6 pin.
If it's an Atrix unit then it's junk, plain and simple. Had to really go digging to find any info on these units. Found nothing on Astrix at all. It looks like the OEM is possibly Youngyear and the unit is possibly an old half-bridge design. There's not a lot of info available, except for the general consensus that they're bad!

This made me laugh though - someone on the bay is trying to sell new 300W models of these for £62:eek:
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