How bad is Stansted at the moment?

Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
Supposed to be flying out from Stansted about 6am on Saturday, while Stansted doesn't seem to be in the news as much as dover/heathrow etc i'm sure its as much of a crap shoot as everywhere else.

Has anyone been through recently and should I set off to start queueing about now?
Wife has been to Barcelona a few weeks ago and said it was fine. Though they did have express security passes.

Update on how it is, we fly week on Monday, 6am
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I did a 9am Friday flight a few weeks back. Security had just become overwhelmed so they closed one side and funneled everyone through the other. Only took an hour.

I'd say Saturday at crack or dawn you should be OK. If you really can't be arsed then pay for Fast Track or rent a wheel chair.
ooh, rent a wheel chair sounds like a good idea :D

were too early to get the fast track on the way out apparently, but got it coming back from past experience before the bad times.
Ryan air was full mental. Long arsed queues in security… but, still got through in 15-20 mins.
Dont be put off by how bad it looks. Enjoy your hols!
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