how can i change mouse polling rate to 125htz?

5 Aug 2006
i have an issue when playing world of warcraft, where when i hold right mouse down to move the camera around etc after so many seconds it releases itself while im still holding it down and it only happens in wow and not on other games and ive tried everything except this....

is it safe and easy to do this?
logitech G600. i have looked on so many sites and tried loads of things but i cant find a solution and with playing wow mainly at the moment its a nightmare, but thanks for the reply and i will try that link
Okay so you are set 1000hz, you need to install the Logitech Gaming software, in there you will find this.....


In all honesty, I cant see how the polling rate would interfere with clicking as it's just reporting the mouses position so many times per second but you never know.
125 feels like my dpi is in its 1000s lol. way too fast so i guess i have to turn down dpi now which i always have at 2900

I think you’re confusing poling rate with something else.

The poling rate is a measure of how many times per second (Hz) the PC looks for an update in mouse movement, with a higher Hz resulting in a quicker response to a click.

This is different from PS/2 connection where the mouse would, instead, interrupt whatever is going on to update the PC with new info.
DPI will depend on resolution, I can't have mine less than 6000 on a 4k screen of it takes more than one movement of the mouse to get from one side of the other.
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