How can they replace the noise?

Interesting article in Car Magazine either this month or last month which explains how Ferrari get the sound for their cars - there is so much tweaking and modifying small bits to get the sound.

I'm sure it could be possible in the future from smaller engines on smaller budgets.
You're assuming everyone likes the noise.

I've driven a Tesla, and I think it's awesome the way it accelerates in near silence - just a slight noise from the motors as they spin up. I could get used to "electric" noise.
Oil will never 'run out'. It will just become more expensive. There will be supercars powered by oil for at least several hundred years, even if the majority of people are using alternative fuels.

But as has already been said - I love the idea of silent motoring!
Oil will never 'run out'. It will just become more expensive. There will be supercars powered by oil for at least several hundred years, even if the majority of people are using alternative fuels.

But as has already been said - I love the idea of silent motoring!

Not if they are forced to use alternative fuels.
Oil will never 'run out'. It will just become more expensive. There will be supercars powered by oil for at least several hundred years, even if the majority of people are using alternative fuels.

But as has already been said - I love the idea of silent motoring!

Tens of years maybe, not hundreds.
Look how fast technology is going.

Within hundreds of years they'll have some sort of nuclear fusion going on creating almost limitless energy. That is what will power cars. Then the government will find a way to tax it & make it more expensive then oil was even though it is in unlimited supply.
Oil won't run out in my lifetime, so I don't care, lol.

Oil will not run out, it will merely become a substance used for recreation rather than essential day to day use.

Look at the horse and the transition over to first the steam engine, and now the internal combustion engine. Horses are far from extinct, we just dont use them for transport and haulage as we used to.
Oil will not run out, it will merely become a substance used for recreation rather than essential day to day use.

Look at the horse and the transition over to first the steam engine, and now the internal combustion engine. Horses are far from extinct, we just dont use them for transport and haulage as we used to.

Pretty much how I see it, though during the transition period, I wonder what will suffer first...oil used for fuel/transport, or oil used for plastics/manufacturing of plastic based products?
Different by-products of the refining process i thought? Transport can manage on heavy oil only.

I really really should know this, i have been subjected to oil-talk my whole life :p
Yep, just had discussion with office m8 about such a topic because of this thread. It such a complicated area in terms of demand, supply (and supply of tranport oil for demand of oil-based products)

Ended up with us agreeing that Humanity still relies on burning/combusting stuff in order to generate power (ok, nuclear power is a bit of a loose tie in terms of burning, still sort of applies)
Oil will not run out, it will merely become a substance used for recreation rather than essential day to day use.

Look at the horse and the transition over to first the steam engine, and now the internal combustion engine. Horses are far from extinct, we just dont use them for transport and haulage as we used to.

You need to point the oil companies at the unlimited supply of oil you've found they'd love to know about it since resources on this planet are finite.
You need to point the oil companies at the unlimited supply of oil you've found they'd love to know about it since resources on this planet are finite.

Book yourself into an economics evening class to understand why it will not run out.
Oil is constantly being made, but nowhere near a rate for it to be sustainable. A million and odd years isn't really worth the consideration :P

But won't run out....
Yup. Not too clued up on the whole subject bar own thoughts and the odd 'net topic here and there, wonder if man will find a way of accelerating the fossilisation/oil process that takes millions of years as mentioned...
They need to do something. I'm not happy unless I can hear some mechanically strenuous-sounding noises when driving.

Even if it sounds like a London underground train I'd be happier.

And then theres the issue of pedestrians not being able to hear you...........
Oil won't run out, per se, but economically viable sources of it will almost certainly run dry. At some point, it just won't be worth the oil companies' while to drill another well, and existing reserves will become so expensive that it will be the preserve of the ultra rich to use it for petrol.

Supply and demand.
They need to do something. I'm not happy unless I can hear some mechanically strenuous-sounding noises when driving.

Even if it sounds like a London underground train I'd be happier.

And then theres the issue of pedestrians not being able to hear you...........

Car manufacturers can buy all the soundbanks from Polyphony and Turn 10 and stick a hifi under the bonnet next to the electric engine. VROOM VROOM!
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