How can this be right? *discuss

13 Sep 2005
How can this be right?

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Well i wrote a big long post to start with but have decided to change it to just this, my younger brother was very close friends with the 21yr old who died and i also knew him well, i understand the maximum for death by drink driving is only 10 yrs inprisonment.
This guy will probably be out in 6 yrs but hey nevermind at least hes band from the roads for 10yrs starting now :confused:

He could be out when hes 36 with good behaviour.... justice my a** :mad:
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Sometimes I don't know what's worse .... the people that commit these stupid acts or the judges that hand out these pathetic sentences. :mad:
10 years is a massively long time, try and think of the things you've done in the last 10 years, a long prison sentence isn't a panacea, rehabilitation not punishment, he'll have to live with what he's done for the rest of his life etc etc

Getting sick of posting the same counter-knee-jerk stuff in these threads to be honest, I might just join in with the "SHOOT HIM! BUT ONLY AFTER HANGING HIM! DIE SCUM DIE! :mad:" threads for now on
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I agree the ten year driving ban is kinda dumb when you factor in a 9 year jail sentance. But I don't think the judge was leniant.

Nine years is a very long time. I can imagine the pain of having caused someones death like this will haunt him for the rest of his life. In addition a long jail sentance serves no practical purpose. It is impossible to deter this type of crime with jail sentances because people give no consideration to the consequences when they're drunk/high.

I'm not saying this guy is blameless of course. I am saying that like it or not this has happened now and comments extreme punishments help nothing. You can't bring your friend back no matter how you punish this guy.

I'm sorry for you and your brother's loss.
My cousin and her husband were killed in a head on collision with a drunk driver, her young son was very badly injured and was in hospital for 6 months after.

The older son was waiting to be picked up by his parents when he saw a news report of the crash on the telly, he recongised it was his parents car and the reporter anounced that two had died in the car and another was in a critical condition. Can you imagine finding out your parents had died like that?

This happened in Australia and the man was sentaced, I believe, 25 years and a life time ban for driving. Which while it doesn't stop two young boys from being orphaned at least this man has been given a reasonable sentance.

Apparently him and his wife had a huge argument so he downed a bottle of vodka and went for a drive.
robmiller said:
10 years is a massively long time, try and think of the things you've done in the last 10 years, a long prison sentence isn't a panacea, rehabilitation not punishment, he'll have to live with what he's done for the rest of his life etc etc

Getting sick of posting the same counter-knee-jerk stuff in these threads to be honest, I might just join in with the "SHOOT HIM! BUT ONLY AFTER HANGING HIM! DIE SCUM DIE! :mad:" threads for now on

He has been given a 9 yr sentance(4x9yrs to be served concurrently) thats 2.25 yrs per person he killed of which like i said he will probably only serve 1.5 yrs per person. I know lee's mum the lad who was only 21 and im sure shes over the moon that the guy who killed him will serve 18 months of his sentance for that part of it.

As for kill him i never said that but a 9yr sentance is a joke for what hes done, I made this thread as much about this one accident as the justice system itself related to drink driving deaths.
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What gets me is this 'concurrent sentance' nonsense. 4 counts of 9yrs each equals a total of 36 years of picking up soap. In my mind there is no such thing as a concurrent sentance.
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