how can you tell if you have f@h work que

5 Aug 2003
Hi all,

How do I find out that I have a wu cache if I set deadlineless wu's to yes and submit in batches to yes as i,ve set these settings after I downloaded 1 wu with batches set to no, then restarted the pc with batches set to yes but i didn't see it download anymore work.


Babyface UK
rich99million said:
make a shortcut to the client, then right-click the shortcut and select properties and put it outside the quotes in the Target field

"C:\Program Files\Folding@Home\Core0\FAH502-Console.exe" -queueinfo

you will probably need to look in the FAHlog as I think the program will flash up and then dissapear again as soon as it's done so you won't catch it on screen

Yep it flashed up mega quick but nothing in the fahlog, but i do have a queue.dat file, and in the work folder I do have approx 9 wudata files, all of which I can't open to look.

babyface UK
Edit: I only ask as the machine will be without internet access for a week and I can only see the 56 pointer its currently crunching.
Bigstan said:
Deadlineless WUs tend to be tinkers, which on AMD rigs at least, give a higher PPD than the crappy 56 pointers (which seem to be dying out now, thankfully).

Deadlineless WUs are good for rigs which aren't connected to the web all the time and for back up clients in case there are major problems of some sort which does not allow connection to the assignment servers.

I keep a cache of deadlineless WUs on my laptop for when I'm travelling, as sometimes I can't connect for 2-3 days at a time (used to be up to 3 weeks when I was working in the North Sea).

A full cache of 10 Tinkers could pretty much keep me going for the full 3 weeks.

Stan :)

My reasons are for the lack of internet connection on that pc for most of the time, as explained above.

Babyface UK
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