How do AMPS improve the sound quality?

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
So I'm looking through a Hi-Fi website, checking out various bits and bobs for the setup discussed in my other thread and I notice a NAD32BEE amp. It has all these "What Hi-Fi" award stickers with 5 stars everywhere and a small review stating that the sound quality is amazing.

My amp is a 15 year old Kenwood job, and IMO the quality is very good. What exactly would buying the NAD improve? Signal to noise ratio? Surely it can't make the sound sound better - that's what speakers do?


(PS. If I opt for buying a bigger TV I won't be able to afford the massive upgrade on my Hi-Fi I've been asking about in other threads; and so if it's beneficial, I'll get a new amp)
Thanks for the info Daz.

There is no need to replace it, although I could really do with some features like a remote control, and surely Amps have come a long way in the last 15 years. I wish there was a way to tell exactly how old my amp is. It's a Kenwood KA-550.
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