How do I add hit counter ?

18 Apr 2003
ooh, never been on this forum before.
Don't know anything about HTML & am using Frontpage to make my 1st website.
I have been able to add a hit counter in Frontpage but how do I make it work ?.
My webste is in sig.

Seeing as its your first website I understand you are keen to have a hit counter and other various forms of pointless junk :D

However once the novelty wears off, remove it. It screams Geocities slap up website :)
It seems pretty simple. If you do get stuck on the code let us know and im sure we will help. You get a much better response if you've actually tired yourself first. :)
Yeah this website thing is exciting, sad the thought of keep checking my hits, lol.
Thought it may be usefull to some guys in the other overclocking thread to check out my cooling methods.
Right, think i've done it, phew... have not done anything like this since writing simple space invader games on my BBC.

Could someone please go to my site to test it, as i've blocked my static IP.
WTF, got 1000 hits overnight, could not figure why as there no pron on my site, lol.
Then I noticed when looking at the sight from work (with non banned IP), that when going back to the main page this incurs another "hit", not that I mind the euphoria associated with this novelty, but the total hits are not true :(
Anyway, is there a way to overcome this "page back" hit counting phenomenon ?, the code I have used in my site is:

<!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var sc_project=*******;
var sc_invisible=0;
var sc_partition=11;
var sc_security="********";

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=";java=0&amp;security=d359b4aa&amp;invisible=0" alt="html hit counter" border="0"></a> </noscript>
<!-- End of StatCounter Code -->
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Does your hosting have any webstats?

Hits aren't very reliable as you've just found out - the more important statistic is often the number of unique visitors, which means that each user only gets logged once no matter how many hits they make :)
ahh, yes I can view the unique visitors which is now 27 & have changed my err visitor counter to reflect this.
Need to spend some time now glitzing up my site, sad I know but provides a needed sence of making something.
juno_first said:
WTF, got 1000 hits overnight, could not figure why as there no pron on my site, lol.

I'm sorry, I was in a silly mood last night and I have a firefox extension that allows me to set a page to refresh every so often, and I left it going on your page for an hour or so :(
divine_madness said:
I'm sorry, I was in a silly mood last night and I have a firefox extension that allows me to set a page to refresh every so often, and I left it going on your page for an hour or so :(

lol. Oh dear :p
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