How do i change the volume with a windows keyboard?

17 Oct 2002
I've got myself a nice little wireless keyboard with trackpad for my mac mini media centre plan. It's basically a laptop keyboard and I can't figure out how to change the volume in OS X nor can I find a way to reconfigure the keys. Any help?
Apple has built a similar feature into the System Preferences. Open the System Preferences application and click 'Keyboard & Mouse'. Then click the 'Modifier Keys…' button in the bottom left. Re-map your keys and click OK. I change mine to look like this picture:


Unfortunately, OS X applies these changes to all keyboards — so if you have a PowerBook or iBook with a PC keyboard plugged in, you'll have to re-map the modifier keys whenever you want to use your laptop's keyboard. If I recall correctly, uControl applies your changes to the keyboard you specify, so it swaps back and forth automatically. Sometimes progress isn't always in the right direction…

Might be worth a shot (remapping) so you can just use the normal shortcuts to change volume :)
Thanks for replying. I'll have a crack at remapping when I get home - from that screenshot though I can't see any way of changing the Function keys. I'd like to use F4 and F5.
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