how do i change what my domain name points to?

2 Jun 2004
tbh i can't even remember how i got my domain name to point to my site after i bought it. :/

now i've got a new hosting package so how do i change it to point to the new place?
You need to either change the nameservers for your domain to point at your new hostings nameservers and set it up there. Or just change where the nameserver records point to. Usualy the registrar of your domain provides some sort of control panel to do this.
well its the same host, just a different package...

so i don't have to change anything in my registrar's cp (i dont think).

i think i need to change something in cpx, but i can't remember what. :o
At a guess.

username - your hosting username
directory - where ever your web space is hosted on the server.
password's probably your web interface login password?

Your host should have an FAQ or something. Since all these are going to vary host to host.
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You need to setup a subdomain on your control panel.

Then click addon domains and point it to that sub domain using the new domain name.

Password whatever you want i think.
What exactly are you trying to do - you have one hosting package and you've bought another domain name for it?

That's an add-on domain if you want it to be a separate site, or a parked domain if you want it as an alias to your main site :)

New Domain Name: The domain you're trying to ad
Username/directory/subdomain Name: Whatever you like. Addon domains are automatically given a folder in your webspace as well as a subdomain.
Password: A password for the FTP account - Addon domains have their own FTP accounts to let you log directly into their folder

Beansprout said:
What exactly are you trying to do - you have one hosting package and you've bought another domain name for it?
i had a package with my host for about a year or so, but lately ive been having mystery problems, such as scripts not installing properly, not being able to upload images to my gallery, and users on my forums not being able to upload their own avatars (and yes it's CHMOD'ed correctly).

anyway, couldnt work out what was causing the problems so i signed up for another package from my host. and as i suspected, everything installed and worked fine first time.

so to get to the point, now i'm just moving my existing domain name to point to my website folder in my new hosting package.
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