How do I clean up a ubuntu system?

1 Aug 2007
Hi all,

Im using ubuntu server and I have been installing and removing many programs. How do I do a cleanup?

In Windows I generally remove the problem for Control Panel, then run Ccleaner to remove old registry items and Internet Files.

I have used the command sudo apt-get autoclean to remove partially installed packages. What else can I do?
Linux doesn't have a registry, so you don't need to clean that.
Linux filesystems [generally] don't need defragmented - becuase they're designed to be a bit more clever about how they lay out files
Linux isn't really that bothered about having a silly amount of internet cache files

If you *really* want, then you can delete things out of your home directory (like old config and cache files...) or remove unnecessary packages: but be very careful if you don't know what you're doing, but generally - why bother?
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