How do I configure my control pad in need for speed MW?

24 Dec 2005
When i go in control options there is just the option to change keyboard settings.

My anologue steering is fine and accelaration and brake but how do i configure my buttons for gear change.

sorry if this is a noob question but I cannot see it myself :confused: :o
It's in there somewhere, just make sure you are on the screen to adjust gamepad/joystick controls and not keyboard - you define them independently. Should be a scroll left/right icon somewhere to choose what controller you want to define.
It's hard to click the button to change from keyboard to anything I find, for some reason my mouse pointer doesn't show up at all, this also limits the paintjobs etc I can choose!

It happened on my 9800, a 5900 and a 7800GT.
sorted it.

I had to program the keyboard keys to my controller buttons via the controller software.

I only installed the controller driver!
Not the software that came with it!

what a noob!

never mind sorted now:)
Err, just use the arrows next to where it says Keyboard and then select gamepad or whatever.. or use 0 and 9 to swap the options.
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