How do I find an IP of a device connected to a network?

1 Nov 2003
Maidstone, Kent

A friend of mine has a mac mini (2Ghz Core 2 Duo iOS 10.6.8) and has been given an old (but fully working) Terrastation. The Terastation came with some software that would tell you the IP that it had been assigned.

However, this software is only PC compatible not Mac.

Is there a terminal command (or similar) that I can type into the Mac to find the IP of the Terrastation please?

Thanks in advance

Terminal command 'arp -a' will lookup devices on the local network.

Either that or login to the router and check what dhcp IP has been thrown out to it
You could also run software like wireshark on another machine on the network. It will give you the ip addresses of other devices that are broadcasting.
arp -a will show the ARP table but at will only be populated with devices that the system you are running it on has communicated with ... So there is no guarantee that the terastation will be listed unless you have done something like a broadcast ping first.

Or run nmap on the networks ip range (assuming this is a home, not work, network).
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