How do i lock my macbook air?

I have OS X setup so that it requires password immediately after screensaver begins. I then have "start screen saver" set to the bottom left corner in Expose. So when I want to lock my machines, I just mouse over the bottom left corner of the screen to activate the screensaver. Both on my iMac and MBP.

There's a tut here:

I don't think there's a simple key combination shortcut like on Windows.
Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access > Preferences > Show status in menu bar

That will put a padlock in your menu bar that you can click and then lock the screen.
Or, get a quick launcher like Alfred and type in "sc" + enter to quickly access screensaver if you want to use the screensaver method.
Try Tokenlock from app can use various devices, from USB,bluetooth....mouse or iphone
nice app for your iMac................Many ways to set up, "switch off" the mouse or keyboard, remove a USB's up to you how it's set up, go to their website from the app store. More info available how to set up
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