How do I mount a CIFS share using with write permissions?

1 Aug 2007
Hi all,

I've using ubuntu and I'm logged in using a Active Directory account (Using Power Broker Identity Services).

I'm trying to mount a windows share which has myusername share and security permissions allowing write.

I used the below commands on the ubuntu box allowing me to mount the share but I have no write permissions. What am I doing wrong?

sudo mount -t cifs //windowscomputer/Test /media/test -o username="myusername",rw
Looks like I found the solution.

sudo mount -t cifs ///windowscomputer/Test /media/test -o username="myusername",iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
Could also use
    -o user=$USER,uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g)
uid/gid map ownership to your user. If you make it 777, then anyone else on that system can access the data (as you).
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