How do i reference this? (BPS, Psychology)

Comments or enquiries about these matters should be addressed to
The Honorary General Secretary at the Society’s Head Office.
Published by
The British Psychological Society, St Andrews House,
48 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7DR.
Tel: 0116 254 9568 E-mail: [email protected]

And use this:

I'd of said;

British Psychological Society. 2004. Code of Conduct, Ethical Principles and Guidelines. BPS Publication. [internet] Leicester : BPS. (Published 2004). Available at: [Accessed April 1st 2009]
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BPS is effectively the author of the document, not the style.

There are loads of styles of referencing, Harvard is probably the most common one, so I'd go with that for now and ask your tutor when you next see them.

Main differences between BPS and Harvard? Looks right though...
Main differences between BPS and Harvard? Looks right though...
Apologies in that case, I had no idea there was a BPS referencing style, the boss uses Harvard style when she writes her papers, and she's doing a Psychology degree. I thought you were just getting yourself confused :p

In this case, definetly check with your tutor before you hand it in ;)

Edit: A quick google finds this guide to BPS style, if you want to give it a look.
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It's just an online version of a BPS publication, so you could more tidily get away with:

British Psychological Society (2006) Code of Ethics and Conduct. Leicester: British Psychological Society.

or otherwise:

British Psychological Society (2006) Code of Ethics and Conduct. Retrieved 1st April 2009, from

In any case, this:

SideWinder said:
British Psychology Society. (2009). Code of Conduct 2006. Retrieved 1 April 2009 from

Would be wrong. The publication year for that document is 2006, not 2009 - it is the year of publication you cite in those brackets, not the year you accessed something online.
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