Go to <gameDir>\baseq3. Edit q3config.cfg (preferably with textpad and edit these lines:
seta r_mode "x"
Set this to -1.
seta r_customwidth "xxxx"
seta r_customheight "xxx"
Set this to your favorite widescreen resolution.
seta cg_fov "90"
Set this according to your preference. I recommend 100 for 16:10 resolutions and 105 for 16:9 resolutions.
==HUD stretch==
The HUD stretches. Check out Sarge's fat face!
Since this is a multiplayer-oriented game, the cut-scenes won't be factored into the grade. Good thing for Quake 3 too, because they are completely broken.
Calculated grade: B
This wouldn't have been so high if Quake 3 had a serious singleplayer mode. Its support is good for things that are important to a multiplayer game, but not so good for the things that are only important to singleplayer games.
Major unresolved issues:
Minor unresolved issues:
Summary of widescreen-related flaws:
.ini solution.
Stretched HUD.
Nope it doesnt understand anything other than 4:3 resolutions - it was made in 1999 god damnit
i type"How do I set a non-standard resolution? Widescreen?
You’re in luck, not only do we have instructions for setting a non-standard resolution, but in Widescreen modes we’ll display Quake 3 more properly than id’s last version. So for my macbook, I’d set:
* r_mode -1
* r_customheight 800
* r_customwidth 1280
then if I’m in-game I would use vid_restart
Note that the in-game video preferences will not list your new resolution. This is normal."