How do I set up a changing wallpaper?

^^ yeah i think that was me who asked last month. i was sugested also to wallmaster which tbh i think is rubbish as i dont know about you but i hate it when you get the little item next to the clock, plus it felt very old, like built for Windows95 so i got rid of it and now you the one suggested above, find it very good and smiple to use
You could use Webshots - 2 free wallpapers a day (4 if you buy an account) and limit to 5 other free wallpapers from the collection (unlimited if you buy an account). Also has options to change the wallpaper every x mins, wallpaper can also be changed using Ctrl Shift W.


It also allows you to use your own wallpapers.

Hi there,

There is a program created by SFX, but I can't seem to find a link to it.

Its called eWallpaper, its very good, but requires .Net

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