How do I



2 May 2012
post a picture on here please ?

I want to ask what a device is, but the only option i have via the box above is a url link
post a picture on here please ?

I want to ask what a device is, but the only option i have via the box above is a url link

There are some picture hosts you can use listed in the sticky:)
Post to an image hosting site and copy the BB code.

Imgur or imgbb seem to be popular
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Damn if only we had a sticky that cover this. Oh wait.

Damn beaten like a….
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  1. Upload the image to
  2. When the upload is complete, I click on the small thumbnail then right click the image and choose Copy Image Link in Firefox
  3. When posting here, either click the Insert image button or press Ctrl + P and paste the image link into the box
I tried CTL-P by the way, and it just sent me to the printer
You need to click in the reply box first - I should have been clearer, my bad!

From the image you posted, I just right clicked the large version and copied the image link and I've pasted it below as an example:

Oops, @n111ck beat me to it. :o
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it lets you switch off/on whatever is plugged in to it with your tv etc remote, quite an old idea and not too sure how useful it ever was tbh! maybe if the socket was tucked away behind the tv or whatever
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Just tried myself and always get failed to insert link, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but can't work it out

I'm certainly no expert, but when given the option of all the different types of links, I select the text that begins with IMG in square brackets and ends in the same thing, then pasting that into the post.
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If you're trying to link to an image you either do it with the full url of the image via the tool above the reply box so www myhost com/imagename.jpg or whatever (add the dots ;) or if the host gives you ubb/vbb/forum code with the img tags alreaddy there, you can just copy and past the whole line of text directly into the reply box so it looks something like [ img]www myhost com/imagename.jpg [/ img], again remove spaced and add the dots.
Using flickr is a pain... Click to download image, click on 'view all sizes'... Click on image and open in another window.... Copy image link from address bar and insert in image box window thingy.
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