How do people become a F1 Photographer

28 Mar 2005
As the title really. I would assume most are employed by newspapers etc?? But how do they end up in that position? surely its not the type of job you 'apply' for??
Start by taking lots of pics of cars I guess!

Don't think there's many photographers on staff at Newspapers these days... Think it's mostly freelance or agencies now but I'm sure there's people who know more :)
just reading online it seems a of the guys now in it have been around for years, and before that there farther was in it, and his farther.

must be incredible i enjoy just getting to one race a year to get some snaps. Seriously tempted to go to the testing in a few weeks
This is simple , take amazing F1 Photos or cars and build a website , Stand out from the crowd and then once you have done that , submit samples to Magazines that specialise in F1 , If they like your work then they will buy your're photos.
It is the same issue in most fields of photography. It is always hard to break in to because at the start you have no proof of your capabilities and the market is already likely saturated. Even if there is space in the market you have to be willing to give up your full time job and go into the photography full time and fund yourself for potentially several years without making profits.

I would love to become a full time professional nature photographer but there is just so much competition out there and you have all the amateurs like myself out there meaning that it is very hard to make any kind of living.
Try typing - how did i become an f1 photographer into Google and read some of the articles and interviews that come up from established F1 Photographers....
It's hard to become a professional at anything, you need hours of practice, dedication and talent to stand out.

Having a website is an obvious thing to consider, and who you know may stand you in better stead, but making people/companies aware of you and your photos would obviously help too.
How do you become an F1 Photographer?

Having the photog skills is a small part.
Knowing the right people to allow entry into any higher end motorsport photography is probably a bigger element.
I imagine it's similar to shooting for most publications (if you're an outsider and don't have existing connections):

Build a strong portfolio of self-assigned work -> put together a website + make promo materials -> send emails/snail mail to various photo editors -> hope they like your work and give you a meeting so they can see if you're a nice person to work with -> get assignments
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