How do you add extra memory to laptops?

2 Jun 2003

I am looking at buying this cheap laptop, good enough spec for what I want except for the memory. It only has 256mb which 128mb of it is shared with the onboard gfx card. So Ideally I would like to add about 512mb to it really to make sure XP goes along all smooth. Can most laptops be upgraded? If so what sort do you have to buy?
Sodimm, you can get most any flavour depending on the memory type your laptop has, SDR DDR DDR2 etc.. Whats the spec on the laptop?
i have a asus laptop that is only a few years old and it has sodimm ram

to get 512mb would cost 60 quid - not worth the money although I would like the extra speed - maybe I will put linux on it instead I have 256mb with xp and it is fine once started up fully but I always compare to my work laptop with 512mb !

ddr specced laptops seem to be cheaper to go for ramwise
All laptops are upgradable in terms of RAM, you must see first what type of ram you laptop can support and what its limit. eg some laptops are only upgradable to 1GB RAM or some up to 512MB.

saitrix said:
I know it can take up to 1gb extra and DDR2, so do i just buy the same sticks as i would do for a normal pc?

Na def not...

you see the size of Laptop memory is much smaller than desktop PC memory.

Make sure you buy only laptop mem and also make sure there is a free slot for the memory. If there is no free slot you have to replace the older one with a more mem. Make sure its the same speed as the old memory though

saitrix said:
I doubt memory timings will affect it that much when its a celeron 380. :p

whats wrong with a 380? Don't let the name fool you its a 1MB L2 cache chip based on Pentium M technology, much like the Celeron Tualatin its underrated a lot because of a name.
The obvious thing to do would go to crucials website, find your laptop model and see what upgrade options it has. If it is a unbranded/cheapo laptop that is not listed then I suggest you take the memory panel off the underside of your laptop and jote down all of the numbers on the memory stick and email crucial tech support and they will tell you which stuff you will need.

- I did that with my "digimate" laptop, as I didnt have a clue what was compatible, crucial were very quick to reply too and the 512mb stick I bought worked like a charm :)
fobose said:
The obvious thing to do would go to crucials website, find your laptop model and see what upgrade options it has. If it is a unbranded/cheapo laptop that is not listed then I suggest you take the memory panel off the underside of your laptop and jote down all of the numbers on the memory stick and email crucial tech support and they will tell you which stuff you will need.

- I did that with my "digimate" laptop, as I didnt have a clue what was compatible, crucial were very quick to reply too and the 512mb stick I bought worked like a charm :)
I did just that after reading this thread and it was a very painless experience for a laptop know nothing like myself :p. I went for the system scan as I didn't even know how much ram was in there or whether I had free slots etc :o but that did it all for me :cool:
saitrix said:
Thanks I have done that, it is an Acer laptop. :)
:D mine to... and it turned up today. Amazing service. Took it to work to fit it... only to find all the small screw drivers at work have been mangled. BLOODY KIDS :rolleyes: :p
lordrobs said:
:D mine to... and it turned up today. Amazing service. Took it to work to fit it... only to find all the small screw drivers at work have been mangled. BLOODY KIDS :rolleyes: :p

Did you notice whether the other memory stick in the laptop was also Crucial?
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