Poll: How do you backup your backups? (Poll please!)

How do you backup your backups?

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22 Oct 2005
All my important docs on my laptop are replicated onto a NAS box under the stairs. That's got a 2 drives which replicate each other, so I can afford 2 drives to fail before I really start to panic. They're all in the same house though, so if there's a fire, or a crafty thief, then I'm screwed.

How are you avoiding potential disaster? (poll please mods if you'd be so kind)
  • Backup to the cloud
  • Backups stored in a fireproof safe in your home
  • Backup to a physical device stored somewhere else
  • None of the above (I'm a daredevil/lunatic)
  • All of the above (Safety first mmmkay)
Cloud is certainly the more convenient option. But the security aspect of it does concern me. It's also quite pricey if you need a lot of storage. I've got a few hundred GB of photos I'd want to backup.

I thinks I'm leaning towards a hard drive stored at my parents up the road. Then I just have to remember to update it a couple of times a year.
What do people actually back up? I don’t think I have any electronic documents I really need to worry about losing.
A few pictures would be a shame I guess but beyond that I don’t back anything up.
Anything relatively important (mortgage docs for example) are in emails.
Photos primarily. It used to be music too until I switched to streaming.

I've also got a a few important docs around finances, mortgages, house plans, etc that would be a faff if I lost them. I've got some random apps/projects that are really old that aren't in version control either. None of these would break my world if I lost them (although it would be a pita), but losing photos would be awful.

I also need to backup my emails (but I don't). Like you say, there's an awful lot of useful stuff in my emails, so I'd be pretty screwed if I lost those.
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