How do you build servers

11 Sep 2009
I have seen a variety of ways to do it:

1.) Tivoli provisioning manager - was excellent and fast but took an enourmous amount of effort to keep things in order.

You could build a server in 30mins, and have it completely operational with only a few drag and clicks of a mouse.

2.) HP altiris currently using this in new job, but i'm not happy at the time it takes.
Takes about 30mins to build a server and then a fair bit of messing about with IP addresses / software specific setups, can take another 1.5 hours to get it finished off.

3.) The old mount an iso and build it from the start!

So how do you build yours? I need to get up to speed with Altiris, as i haven't used it in about 8 years and i'm sure it can do a whole lot more than what i am doing with it!

In a job where we are expected to knock out a large quantity of servers on a monthly basis (Mixture of physical DL360's, blades BL485's and VMware), and i want to get the process refined.. every minute counts, so any tips will be considered!
Haha i was expecting all these ingenious ways to deploy software that i would never have thought of!

Good to see big companies are the same no matter which one you work for!
Currently moving to SCCM2012 OSD from manual DVD method after seeing what it can do with a desktop. No good for Linux servers I imagine but for Windows there is very little it can't do.

Last company i worked for was about to start using sccm2012, but they got in a 3rd party to set it up...... Great way for the staff to learn a product! :rolleyes:
I'll ask around and maybe setup something in a test environment.
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