How do you choose to remove stuff from your pictures?

16 Nov 2010
Swimming in a lake
Intrigued by this one, as there seems to be a few ways to remove stuff using photoshop.

Was particularly intrigued by what your particular method is?

Well, generally I don't get rid of stuff other than the odd zit in lightroom.

If there's anything big, it's Shift F5 generally but if that won't do it I'll do some workaround with masks and stamping.
Really depends what it is. I might opt for spot healing brush for little dust spots etc (or wrinkles if I'm doing that), patch tool or clone stamp for larger objects.
I just use the retouch controls in Aperture to spot or clone something out. If it was something more extreme, I'd probably move it into Photoshop. For most general photography though, I'd try to avoid doing anything too extreme.
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