How Do You Retrieve Phone Numbers from Quarantine

26 Feb 2023
I have a Yahoo account that I am trying to get into and I have the correct password but Yahoo is demanding that I prove it is me by sending a message to a phone number that I have connected. However that number was disconnected some time ago and it has not been recycled yet, dialling the number will only get “you have dialled an incorrect number”. I phoned Ofcom about this yesterday and was told that I need to phone any service provider and request that the number be taken out of quarantine. Yet I had phoned Asda mobile, who the number was originally with, before and only had a very frustrating conversation with them. They were telling me that they can’t reactivate that number or allow me to choose the old number but they can offer me a new one which had me saying to them “I don’t want a new number I need my old number”. So I related that to the person at Ofcom and they said that I should try a different service provider to request my number be taken out of Quarantine. However I don’t know which one to try I tired ringing EE because I had looked my number up online and was told they own it. However, when I rang them I was told it wasn’t on their system but then go hounded by calls trying to get me into a contract. So I am don’t know who would be best to call about this, can anyone suggest what company would be best to ring?
Never heard of that before but surely that can't be the only way to verify, have you actually spoken to someone at yahoo on phone or chat

Unless you're trying to get in someone else's account on the sly :p
It’s something Yahoo has suddenly started doing and I can’t explain why unless they’re trying to find an excuse to purge old accounts which I would not put past them. This is the only way can confirm that it is me apart from a google account that is connected to it but Google made me change the password for that shortly before placing my computer into repair and I cannot remember the password that I changed it to. I tried contacting Yahoo about it but they were no help at all.
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