How do you secure your bike?

11 Nov 2002
West Mids
There was recently an attempt to steal my 125cc bike (its kept in a communal underground car park). Whilst the cover was removed, I think the thief was probably discouraged by a Pragmasis Roundlock I've got on the front brake disc. I've taken this as a shot across the bow and I'd like to really beef up my security.

After doing some research, I've found that motorcycle security seems to be somewhat of an art rather than a science.

Which security products do you use on your bike?
Ah I feel for you!

The general advice (I hope I remember correctly!) Is a chain too large for cropping, from was it Pragmasis and Almax being the cool dudes. Through the frame as wheels can be removed. Then kept off the ground whilst attached to a ground anchor! Easy peasy :p.

If you can wedge it somewhere awkward top, even better, I.e. reducing their access to cut/break/eat the chain.

The trouble with these car parks on apartment blocks is once they're in they can have a lovely chilled time loading up all the pedal cycles and whatever else they fancy. Depressingly a disc cutter thingy will get through most chains in due course too.

YouTubings from the above manufacturers has some nice stuff to watch if I recall.

Good luck anyway, it's an annoying situation most of us have faced at some stage. Hilariously I used to lock my first bike to a potted plant. I think I was hoping that London thieves would be environmentalists :D
Abus Granite disc lock and chain attached to a ground anchor for the front wheel

Two mammoth chains (to give length) to a ground anchor for the rear wheel

Steering lock, immobiliser, cover and a ring doorbell. If away most of it comes with me in the top box. PITA but coming back to no bike is a far greater PITA.

Any of my classics that have no top box then I don't leave them alone and use pay at pump.
I left my keys in my bike last night... :p

My bike is kept in the garage, if I'm away then I take an Oxford disk lock, it's nothing special, but then again neither is the bike.
Big chain with an alarmed lock. The lock doubles as an alarmed disclock when I'm out and about. But I keep meaning to buy a separate disclock too.

The bike itself is out of sight inside my locked brick dog kennel (true story) with a Ring doorbell pointed at it.

Claymore with pressure sensitive switch.
I've got insurance and a chunky disc lock, if they want it they'll have it unless you hire an armed guard.
On the right tracks with the pragmasis lock.
I use a pragmasis 19mm chain with the hefty padlock they supply, fixed to a ground anchor in my garage. If you have a solid structure to fix to in the communal garage then use one of these chains.

For out on the move, I use disc locks and would recommend your round lock.
I have an Almax Immobiliser chain on mine, it's a fair few years old now, and I noticed they don't seem to show the lock I got with mine; it's Italian made, looks like a silver metal rectangle with a sliding pin. Along with this, I have a couple of Oxford disc locks - one I got when I passed in 2007 (just an over the disc type) and the other I got about 6 years ago that had a bolt going through the disc. Also have an old Monster Chain (iirc) that used to go through the front wheel when the bike lived outside.

When my bike used to sit outside, I had various covers on it, but would always try and thread the chain through the eyelets to keep the cover on - though I appreciate that could easily be cut away.

These days, I don't bother with an alarm - for the cost of one, I may as well get GAP insurance and put in an insurance claim - protected NCB and all that; chances are they'll have the bike away if they want it enough, so I'll just let the GAP insurance keep me from not being out of pocket. But here's hoping this theory never gets tested!!!

Was thinking of going back to Ducati next year, either a Panigale V2 or the new Streetfighter V2 - if that happens, I'll stick a rabid dog in my garage to bolster security :D
Bike's kept in the garage. Disk lock on the front wheel and chain/ground anchor through the rear.

I left my keys in my bike last night... :p
I do this from time to time. Usually after a night shift. Kind of renders the above rather pointless :cry:
I moved to a civilized country :p

Or a more civilized part of this one, I leave mine with the keys in and steering lock off in my garage.

To be fair, im at the point now where if someone were to nick it, would be a good excuse to get a new one, something to be said to driving/riding an older vehicle.

My mate still drives this ancient WV Polo around, because it's easy to fix and not worth anything, he could easily afford a new car if he wanted. He goes to a gym in Luton of all places and doesn't even bother to lock it, and it's always still there lol.
I had a mate who used to fill a bucket with concrete, put an anchor of sorts in it and thread the chain through that.
Thread the chain through the frame if you can, wheels are easy to remove.
i keep mine in the dinning room :P although in winter it goes in the garage .. no security other than the steering lock
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