How do you use the rift? expectations?

19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
So I couldn't think what to get for Xmas from the wife. So I though why not a rift?

But I am a little confused, like.... how and when do you use it?

Has it replaced your monitor for gaming? Do you default to the rift when gaming now? Do you jump right in GTA/RUST/Doom/PUBG etc and just "use your rift now".

Or do you use it occasionally on very specific VR specific titles?

Or somewhere in between?

Do you watch movies on it?

Does it come with controllers and if not do I need them?

Anyone used it with FSX/Dirt Rally? how was this?

I decided on Rift and not Vive because I want to be sitting at my desk using it. not running around the room (Don't have the space).

Thanks guys, and sorry for probably weird questions.

P.S. I've just bought a 1080. will this beast the rift yeah?
I can't speak for others, but I don't use mine to watch movies or desktop use. I don't play 2D games on it either.

You can play normal games on the Rift/Vive but they won't be in VR. Games have to be made specially for VR. There are a few games like Doom 3 and Alien Isolation that have been modded to work in VR. There is a also a program called VorpX that can be used to make normal games VR like.

But, I just use the Rift for VR stuff. With the Rift you get 6 free games, so loads to do without spending money. Then there is lots of free stuff available on Steam and the Oculus store like Rec Room, The Lab etc.

Dirt Rally is really good, you will have to build up your VR legs to be able to play it for long periods. Maybe you won't get motion sick, so it might not be a problem for you at all.

Elite Dangerous is another amazing game in VR.

If you have enough space to stand and swing your arms, with maybe room to make a step in each direction, then you have enough room to get a good impression of what Roomscale is like. And, people say that they only want to use the Rift/Vive for sitting games only, but believe me, when you get the headset and try Robo Recall or Lone Echo, you will be thinking of ways to make more room :D

1080 is perfect for VR and when you order you get touch controllers.

Isn't Dirt rally a 2D non VR game though? like GTA V for example.
Perfect. Thanks once again. I wonder how many VR suitable titles I have. My main focus is getting FSX to run with the oculus. I literally can't wait. It's not steam FSX though, old school. But there will be a ton of info on the Flight Sim forums.
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