How do you wear earphones?

11 Dec 2004
I don't venture into this bit of the forum often, but I have searched and can't find anything about this...perhaps it's too silly a question to ever have been asked. :p

Basically, uni is approaching faster that I'd thought it would, and I'm starting to sort out what I need to take/buy/give up. Strange as it may seem, I have no mp3 player at the moment...I'm not the kind of person who can go walkabout with music blaring in my ears, I just find that a little odd. That said, I think an mp3 player would be a pretty useful thing to have at university, where I won't have my CD collection with me. I'll have my (shiny new) laptop, but I don't want to be turning the computer on whever I want to listen to music. So, quick browse of this forum, quick check of the bank account, and I think I'll get a Sony NWZA818. Right, fine, sorted. Until...

I've always had a problem with the typical in ear headphones that most people use. I don't like them. I find them unconfortable, and more to the point, they flat out refuse to stay in my ears unless I hold them there. This is the only thing stopping me ordering an mp3 player right now, really, the thought that I'm going to spend £70 on an mp3 player and then be condemned to use horribly fitting headphones for all eternity. :o

So what's the solution? Do the Sony earphones come with any scope for adjustments, or is it just something I have to get used to and accept? Given that I'm unlikely to be using the player much while on the move, it's perhaps not a massive issue - if I'm just lying in bed, for example, I should be able to position them in some such way as to make the music audible. As it stands, £70 is pushing the budget for a player, I'd rather pay closer to £50, so buying another set of earphones is going to be awkward to manage, even supposing I could find another set that had this elusive perfect fit.

Someone help me out here :(
I'd go for some headphones that have foam plugs, they're really comfortable and WON'T be falling off anytime soon!

Either that, or get some 'over-the-ear' style (Sennheiser 595 is what i have) they're REALLY comfortable. Although i wouldn't advise walking around town wearing those, unless you want to look a ****.

Although saying that, that doesn't seem to stop most ppl on the underground :|
I had a pair of over-ear type headphones, and I agree, you look a bit daft wearing them. What price might I be looking at for headphones with foam plugs, then? Bearing in mind I'm already £20 over budget, and pushing for another tenner for a protective case thingy for the player. I should have enough money, but I don't want to be eating into savings for something as ultimately unimportant as a music player. :p
I've got stupidly expensive Shure phones, but i'm pretty sure that quite a few 'normal' priced phones come with them now, either that, or multiple rubber plugs. Can't think of any off hand though i'm afraid
If the sony headphones are anything like the ones that come with the walkman mobile phones they are pretty good, certainly not heard a better in-ear speaker (I'm waiting to be told they are rubbish, but I'm not claiming to have listened to any high end in-ear earphones)
They stay put nicely too.
I have the exact same issue with normal 'bud' earphones falling out. I value sound quality and I don't want anything too large and obvious.

In the end I learned about a company called Etymotic Research, they make absolutely amazing audio-phile grade earphones.

I bought a pair of ER6 Isolators, think they cost me around 60 quid off Amazon. They take a little time to get used to but the sound quality is superb and they blot out noise pollution allowing you to play your music at lower volumes saving your hearing. I sound like a rep for their company but trust me I'm not, I just know quality when i see and hear it ;-)
Shure Se530's at the moment - Medium black olives fitted and wire going over the ear.

Soon to be changed though. Black olives getting replaced with custom moulded earpieces and will also get a set of fully custom earpieces as well.
the stock sony earphones come with 3 different sets of plugs

If the sony headphones are anything like the ones that come with the walkman mobile phones they are pretty good...They stay put nicely too.

That's heartening to know. At least there'll be three chances that they'll fit me somehow. :p

I bought a pair of ER6 Isolators, think they cost me around 60 quid off Amazon.

I'd love to be able to justify buying headphones that are almost the same price as the player, but I just can't. Interesting, though, I've never heard of that company at all.
If you value sound quality above all else then the Etymotic range is perfect. You simply cannot comprehend the difference in sound quality until you actually try them for yourself. But I agree, it's quite a lot of money to spend :)
If you value sound quality above all else then the Etymotic range is perfect. You simply cannot comprehend the difference in sound quality until you actually try them for yourself.

It's a very personal thing headphones. While I was arranging the customs I borrowed a set of ER6's and they were very good. I prefered the sound of the Shures though.

But I agree, it's quite a lot of money to spend :)

Certainly can be. :D

*hopes other half doesn't see credit card bill this month.... ;)*
It's a very personal thing headphones. While I was arranging the customs I borrowed a set of ER6's and they were very good. I prefered the sound of the Shures though.

Pity there's no way to really try headphones without buying them. Not the most hygenic of products to be test driving on a shop floor, I'd imagine. :p
IMHO earphones is where you should be spending a good deal of your money - they will make a HUGE difference to your listening pleasure - I have both Etymotic ER4P's and some Shure SE530's and have to say you will not hear better quality at all.

The ER4's stay in my ears no problem with the 3 fluted rubber doobries - but the Shure's up until recently have never stayed in - I had tried everything - but now WITHOUT the cable wrapped around my ear they stay in all day long and are much more comfy.

Sound wise - have to be honest and say that there is not much in it really - the ER4's are loveley, clear, crisp and fuss-free - but the SE530's rock - bass/treble/mids it doesnt matter what you throw at it.

The secret is in the little pads that they come with - personally I love the rubber grommet type - they are like little plugs and take a bit of getting used to - but worth the initial scary "in your head" experience.

Get the best you can - you wont regret it!

IMHO earphones is where you should be spending a good deal of your money.

I appreciate that, but I really can't justify it. I'm not particularly an audiophile, even when it comes to my own recordings. I'm also not particularly rich, and being the tight Scotsman that I am, the thought of spending £70 in one go on a player alone leaves me reling. :p

Besides, if I decide I need better ones further down the line, I can always make the upgrade. But for now, it's not worth it. :)
I had some in-ear ones thats came with my NWZA828 which were by far the most comfortable in-ear ones I have ever had. They come in three sizes, so im sure one of them will fit you.

In my opinion if you want to enjoy your music in a non-silent area without having to crank up the volume a huge amount just to hear all the detail then in-ear ones are the way to go. They might feel uncomfortable at first, but after a few wears you get used to them :)
buy some Koss headphones from Bay 14 quid - my brothers got a pair and they are really good (yes they look a little stupid but a respray in full black would make them look awesome!
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