How does a guy like this get a girl like that?

22 Nov 2007
Check out the video below. I have respect for the little guy he has done really well too get her. She is beautiful and could pick have her pick of most guys.

But yeah , its just an unlikely match but maybe i'm being a little shallow.

What does ocuk think?

1) She isn't that beautiful, she's fairly good looking but nothing special, quite average I'd say.
2) Maybe she's not so shallow to not see past just looks and likes him for who he is.
His winning smile?

She's probably a complete major daddy issues freak? Victim of all abuse.

Mostly money though.
The Roloffs, They been on those Discovery channels for years. Remember watching them 10+ years ago.

They own a big farm and have loads of business interests so I bet he is not short of a few bob.
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